Crisis regardless of age

Police security

Crisis regardless of age

The crisis in our country has caused, among other things, psychological problems for people who have lost their jobs, closed their businesses or are underperforming.

Πολλοί σταμάτησαν τις καθημερινές δραστηριότητές τους ,έχασαν κεκτημένα ετών ,αλλά και την προσδοκώμενη ζωή την οποία επιθυμούσαν .Οι επικρατέστεροι λόγοι-αιτίες είναι η αβεβαιότητα για το μέλλον, το άγχος για την επερχόμενη απειλή και η καταστροφολογία που επικρατεί στην σκέψη του κάθε Έλληνα .
This prolonged crisis began to spread and affect family members, especially adolescents. Parents due to the above mentioned reasons and the unfavourable economic situation, behave abruptly and aggressively towards their children. Young people, on the other hand, seeing their parents helpless, without defences or alternatives, plunged into uncertainty, depression, melancholy, without a social and family background, losing their daily activities (school, gym, entertainment, etc.) and since the family environment is not pleasant, they seek outlets elsewhere.

There is a large increase in drug use and delinquent behaviour among young people, not only in single-parent or large families, which are the most affected.

Of course, it is a fact that a large number of people over 55 years of age, as they have past experience and are shielded, are better able to manage the crisis if they have been exposed to similar or worse financial situations at some stage in their lives.
Finally, everyone should be aware that there are associations, non-governmental organisations, municipalities and even the church, which, acting voluntarily, stand substantially and tirelessly by the side of those facing such problems. They also offer help in cases that we will indicate, in which, in our opinion, our fellow citizens need support and either are not aware of their situation or cannot for some reason ask for it, which makes us co-responsible for our neighbour.
Nikolaos Pelekasis was trained in Greece and abroad in group and individual security and served in intelligence services.

Crisis regardless of age.

Sheet No 471
14 July 2012
From the
Detective Nikolaos Pelekasis